There is something I need to confess where I am prideful and at fault. - The queen is crowned

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There is something I need to confess where I am prideful and at fault.

I'm a snob.I don't mean to be.I don't want to be.But I certainly can be.

I want to be BFFs with certain crowds.
I want to be part of a clique or a tribe.
You know, have my posse I hang out with and make other lonely women jealous.
Lonely women like me.
The ones who never seem to fit in to the latest groupie, the latest mommy fad, the latest women's ministry hype....

All that has lead me to is lonely.
And missing out on happy times with those who are my friends, who stick by me through thick and thin, who love me for me and all my stupidity and quirks.
But, they aren't the clique.
And I want the clique.
God doesn't want me in the clique.
He wants to set me free.
He wants me to be a friend.

So, I am done with snobbery.
I am done with envy.
I am done with lonely and all those negative feelings that clutter up my mind and heart because I am not friends with certain people I esteem.

I am returning to the simplicity of just being a friend.

There is something I need to confess where I am prideful and at fault. There is something I need to confess where I am prideful and at fault. Reviewed by roka adly on يناير 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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