11 amazing natural recipe to eliminate bad breath - The queen is crowned

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11 amazing natural recipe to eliminate bad breath

There is nothing more awkward and annoying than bad breath! Imagine yourself talking to someone and suddenly taking a step back because you are unable to bear the bad breath of breath that emanates from his mouth! Start thinking about whether the smell of your mouth or your own self has the same problem or not. Before treating this problem you should first find out the causes of bad breath.

In fact, there are many reasons that lead to bad breath, the first is the lack of moisturizing, poor quality of food we are constantly eating, as well as the lack of attention to clean teeth, smoking and some medications. Whatever the reasons, here are 11 amazing natural recipes to eliminate bad breath:

1 - Coconut oil is not only useful for hair, skin and health, but also a wonderful natural recipes for the treatment of mouthwash. Use it as a sponge for your mouth every morning and before going to sleep. Put a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and spread around the mouth for the rinsing method and enjoy the same wonderful day length. Coconut oil will also help to whiten the teeth while keeping in use.

2 - Washing teeth toothpaste twice a day, one morning and the other evening is not a place for discussion! Follow this habit to get rid of the lingering bacteria in your teeth that cause bad breath.

3. Use a medical dental floss twice a day to get rid of the residue of food stuck in your teeth that is difficult to remove by brushing. These residues are usually responsible for the foul smells and tooth decay over time.

4 - Take a cold water after each meal you eat in one day.

5 - Eat a glass of water as much as I can during the day, moisturizing the body helps to get rid of bad breath quickly.

6 - a lot of eating apples, carrots and celery These foods act as a natural cleaner for teeth as they help to remove the remnants of food between the teeth and kill bacteria that accumulate in the teeth, which is the layer of lime, which contributes to the removal of the smell of mouth.

7 - Chewing a slice of lemon or orange will effectively help to revive the smell of the mouth but do not exaggerate as the acids in them make your teeth fragile and weak.

8. You can also chew fresh mint leaves to remove bad breath and replace it with a refreshing and good smell.

9 - cloves of herbs useful for teeth, besides helping to ease the pain of teeth also helps to remove the bad smell of the mouth in the case of chewing.

10 - Eat natural juices constantly and avoid excessive coffee, it is a basic beverage that causes the smell.

11 - The ancient Arabs had a magical way to clean the teeth where it was a natural alternative to the toothpaste present, "Siwaak" taken from the roots of trees Arak desert. Cleaning teeth with toothpick will not only help remove bad breath but it will also kill bacteria and cure decay effectively.

11 amazing natural recipe to eliminate bad breath 11 amazing natural recipe to eliminate bad breath Reviewed by roka adly on يناير 24, 2018 Rating: 5

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