One of my biggest difficulties and stress-makers in my life is that when I believe something or decide something, I feel like I need to convince everyone of my standing and get them on my side. - The queen is crowned

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One of my biggest difficulties and stress-makers in my life is that when I believe something or decide something, I feel like I need to convince everyone of my standing and get them on my side.

Knowing that others oppose me or have formed negative opinions of my beliefs or decisions hurts me very much.

I begin to doubt myself.
Question myself.
And, yes, even wonder if I am loved.

One thing that motherhood has taught me for sure, especially motherhood in this social media age, is that we MUST have ASSURANCE!

I used to waste hours arguing with people online. Surely, if they would just read my words they would know that I am right and stop name-calling and pointing fingers.
I lost countless nights of sleep.


Being a grown woman of God, a woman of maturity, a mother of growing minds and bodies, we absolutely must have assurance.

We must put on our big girl britches and own our choices, decisions, and beliefs.

As Christians, we gain wisdom from reading the Word and praying.
Blessed Assurance!

I am now both a homeschooling mother and a public school mother.
I belong the the local homeschooling group, and I will likely join the PTA.
I get a lot of side-eye and opinions from both sides!!

The worst right now is that because I exclusively public schooled last year, some question my ability to homeschool this year.

Thankfully, instead of giving in to their opinions of me and doubting myself and arguing with them to get them to see my side of it, I actually find their opinions useless and bothersome.

So, I take a boundary and, like Taylor Swift, shake it off.

I am a mature, grown woman of God, wife of one man, and mother of 4 beautiful and very different children.

I know my children. I know myself. I know that I am the only one who agonizes over each child, for what is best for them as individuals.
I am the one who researches late into the night.
I am the one who holds them and listens to their fears and their joys.
I am the one who felt their bodies and personalities grown within me.
I am the one God has given, through His Holy Spirit, the wisdom and understanding to be their mother.

Do I get it right every time?
no And I own that, too.

So, mothers, rest assured in your choices for motherhood.
You don't need to waste a single moment on facebook arguing why you are still breastfeeding your 2 year old.
You don't owe anyone outside of the immediate authorities that be why you enrolled a child in public school.
You don't need to explain to anyone ad nauseum why you chose to homeschool again.

It is so much more simple to set a boundary and not try to persuade anyone whose business it isn't.

Because I'm the mother and that is what I decided.
With your head held high.
With true grit.


One of my biggest difficulties and stress-makers in my life is that when I believe something or decide something, I feel like I need to convince everyone of my standing and get them on my side. One of my biggest difficulties and stress-makers in my life is that when I believe something or decide something, I feel like I need to convince everyone of my standing and get them on my side. Reviewed by roka adly on يناير 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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