The best solution to deal with your kids quarrel with a few - The queen is crowned

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The best solution to deal with your kids quarrel with a few

The best solution to deal with your kids quarrel with a few

You may be looking for the best solution to resolve disputes between your children as a result of their differences in who holds the remote, or to reserve a place to sit, or who holds the key, or who has the role to choose the place of play. "Madam Net" discussed with the psychological specialist Abeer Al Ashour, the reasons that led to the emergence of this aggressive behavior in children.

The behavior may be a result of a child's feeling of being deprived, jealous, depressed, or anxious, of a tradition of aggressive models in cartoon films, of wanting to prove himself, of a love of ownership, of feeling unfair, or of a reaction (forcibly taken away by television) This may be due to the bad treatment of the parents by the parents, or the pampering or the occurrence of conflicts between the spouses in front of the children, which instills within them a sense of displacement, taking their parents into the fight.


2. Try to raise the impact of family problems on your child.

3 - Minimize your children watching violence movies on TV, where recent studies indicate that television films affect children from the age of 8-9 years, and in the late teens, and the more violent films were negative behaviors even after 10 years.


 Giving children opportunities to play physical games; to get rid of excess energy such as karate, and alternatives to venting anger that the child hits plastic toys, children can participate in the game of football, or create drawings to express their emotions, and here on the parents rearrange the environment of the house - room furniture sites), and whenever there is plenty of space where children play was less opportunity to collide.
The use of the principle of reward and punishment, where the parents raise the child to good behavior and punish him for bad behavior, and can be activated through the "star board", or the table of behavior modification (can be used with children over the age of 5):
 Behavior modification table
Today: Good behaviors rewarded * Bad behavior punishment × Signature of the guardian

Parents register all good behaviors, starve them, bad behaviors, mark x in the punishment box, calculate all positive and negative behaviors, and when positive behaviors increase negative, the child is rewarded with what he wishes, and on the contrary may be deprived of the reward.

Children under 5 prefer

1 - Identify what the child loves and support him when the issuance of positive behavior, and deprive him when the issuance of negative behavior.

2 - Allow him in his room and prevent him from watching what he likes, but prefer not to use this method with children who prefer to stay alone, and this method can be used with children over and under the age of five.

3 - Use the models of educational stories that he likes as a positive example.

1 - Identify the cause of the quarrel, and avoid trends and misbehavior in raising your children.
4 - Science If a child takes something to say to him without anger: «This is me, please return it to me, I will be angry if you took it without asking me». It teaches your child the audacity to express himself.

Feelings of inferiority

If children with special needs, the quarrel is generated as a compensatory behavior of the sense of lack of physical level, or the existence of a certain disability, or to feel mental weakness and lack of intelligence, and delay in school and lack of skills to deal with others, and when the child feels that less than others assaulted who owns What he does not have.

And be treated with the exercise of hobbies that suit him: drawing, coloring, singing, and attention to it emotionally, and try to integrate with ordinary children in the interactive play and based on respect and love. The reinforcement method can be used for positive behavior, and denial of negative behavior.


The love of possession of things in the child leads to quarrel with other children, such as: the child who takes the television remote and refuses to give it to his brother from the door that he owns, and the parents put the child's picture or name on his own property, and in this way begins to respect the ownership of others, For each child at home, otherwise the problem will remain unresolved, in this case training on the authorization when using the games of others and accustom to return them.
And that the love of ownership starts in children from the age of 3-7 years, while the children of the two resort to hit each other objects. Fourth children tend to discuss with others, while at the age of 8-9 years the child can control himself completely, but the love of ownership we see in children under the age of two and a half.

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The best solution to deal with your kids quarrel with a few The best solution to deal with your kids quarrel with a few Reviewed by roka adly on فبراير 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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